Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Top 03 Reasons Why You Should Spy On Your Competitors Ads 2020 Update

Without keeping an eye on your competition's strategy, you can't plan your strategy. And so what this article is all about. Here, we are going to discuss some of the important reasons why should spy on your competition. So, without wasting a minute, let us get into the article!

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Ultimate Guide To Facebook Stories [2019 Update]

Whether you admit it or not, Facebook stories are the most effective way in marketing strategy. And with the different easy-to-use features, Facebook stories have become a valuable marketing resource for your brand.

Marketers take help of Facebook stories to make their brand/product reach a large number of people. But what about your competitor's strategy? Well, Facebook stories will not help you to know about your competitor's strategy, but you can hack Facebook messenger of your competitor's with the help of which you can go through their chats and other discussions they must be doing. You can even watch stories of other people through Messenger, which would be easier for you to spy on your competitor's as well as to manage your stories.

Why should one use Facebook Stories for their business?

For the first time in 2016, when Facebook announced that it is going to create Stories tool, everyone out there was a bit surprised and shocked as well. Because a few months earlier in 2016, Instagram launched the stories feature! And so it was quite tough to attract people towards the newly launched Facebook stories feature. But later on in 2018, Facebook managed to grab 150 million daily active users. Great, isn't it?

Looking at the growth of Facebook stories, one can surely say that it could be the best option for different brands to grow their engagement level, develop your brand awareness, and strengthen the relationship with your Facebook audience.

Unlike other posts on Facebook, stories appear on the top of the feed, which will help your audience to get updated with your product or service! Facebook stories will provide you with the newest way to share exciting, and, fun contents, that would more likely to reach your target audience.

How to use Facebook Stories for your business?

Well, if you have ever shared a story on Instagram, then the process of putting a Facebook story will not be that difficult for you. Both the process is the same.

But before that, you need to create a Facebook page so that you can get started with sharing stories with your audience.

Yes, there are some differences between Instagram and Facebook stories, and that we will discuss later. But for now, let us get into the step-by-step guide towards creating Facebook stories for your business.

Step 1. Create A Business Page On Facebook

Hack Facebook Messenger

One of the most important things is to create your business page on Facebook! Fill out all the necessary details; your page name, address, and phone number. After that, complete the overall look of your page, by adding a profile picture and a cover photo. Now, you are all done!

Important note: If you have already created a business page on Facebook, then you can skip this step and proceed to step 2.

Step 2. Get started with your Facebook stories

Now, that you are ready with your business page on Facebook, you can directly get started with your stories. Unlike your Instagram story, which can only be shared from mobile app, Facebook stories can be shared from any device, for example, from your computer, Facebook app, Facebook-lite app, and Facebook messenger app as well!

But I would prefer you to use the Facebook app for sharing and creating your stories, as it will offer you more variety and tools than the desktop version.
Now, to get started with your Facebook stories, you can tap on the ellipsis button, which you will find in the right corner of the screen on the top, which will provide you with a variety of options including an open camera.

Once you have selected that option, you can then share your stories on Facebook.

Step 3. Creating content for your Facebook stories

Facebook stories are much similar to Instagram stories. And I can list you some of the basic features of Facebook stories:

  • Camera

Like your Instagram stories, you can easily switch from front facing-camera to rear-facing camera, and vice versa just by clicking on the flip camera button.

  • Lighting  settings

Here you will get three lighting options, i.e., flash off (the moon and x icon), flash on (the lightning bolt icon), and low-lighting settings (the moon and cloud icon).

  • Camera settings

By clicking on the gear icon which you will find in the top right corner of the screen, you will find the camera settings where you will find the 'save shared photos' and 'something isn't working' options.

  • Face filters

In the past years, Facebook has spent a lot into AR(Augmented Reality Filters), and now with the Facebook stories features, it has become more advanced. It offers dozens of advanced filters for stories.

  • Facebook stories recording option

As I told earlier, Instagram stories and Facebook stories are much similar. And so like your Instagram stories, Facebook even offers you four different options; Normal, Video, Boomerang, and Live.

  1. With the Normal option, you can click on the button to click a photo and press that button to record a 20 seconds video.
  2. If you will select the Video mode button, then with the help of it, you can just tap on it to start a video and then again tap on it to end the video.
  3. Now comes the Boomerang option! Well, it is just the same as you have seen on your Instagram stories. Press the button and then create your short animation video.
  4. Last but not least, Live! Just like your Instagram live, when you will click on the Live option, you will get started with a live video.


If you are planning to get started with your Facebook stories, then I would recommend you to do it as soon as possible! Facebook stories can help you explore your business in front of a large number of audience. But before that, get yourself updated with this excellent guide.

Monday, May 20, 2019

4 Advantages of Lookalike Audiences For Your Business

There are no doubt that Facebook is one of the titanic social media hub of present times with the mammoth fan following base of 2.32 billion monthly active users. Businesses are going to the extra mile in order to maintain their supreme presence on Facebook. Having said that, as well aware competition has become really hard-hearted on Facebook nowadays. People have so many options to pick from that they can easily swipe your business ads if you have nothing exceptional to offer.
According to various studies, it is found that Facebook ads are best when it comes to portray out business services and brands. Facebook has a large number of followers from different sphere of the globe. So, ads on it get seen by people, perhaps more and therefore cause benefits to businesses.

If you ever went deep into the rabbit hole of Facebook ads targeting facets then must hear about the term “Facebook lookalike audiences”, one of the best Facebook’s ad managers attribute.

Briefly, in this ad targeting scheme, Facebook uses the data of your potential existing customers in order to target people as similar to their characteristics. So, the people near to the social profiles of your followers will become your lookalike audience.

How To Reach Facebook Lookalike Audiences For Your Business?

Here are some steps which you have to follow for creating lookalike audiences via Facebook. So, let’s have a look!!

The best thing about making Lookalike group of onlookers on Facebook is they can be made at a bursting quick speed.

In the Business manager window, you have to tap on the Create Audience button, then a drop-down menu will show up then click on the Lookalike Audience choice.

On the following window, you will be approached to choose a Location, Source Audience, and Audience Size. Fill all the required subtleties and tap on the Create Audience button situated at the base right corner of the window.

Bonus Tips:

In this window, you can also tap on the Show Advanced Options. By which, you can build up a huge swath of the audience(1-6) without a moment's delay. It's totally free! Thus, utilize this element of Facebook without limitations and create more twin groups of onlookers for your impending advertising campaign in the near future.

Advantages of the Facebook lookalike audiences-

There is an endless number of benefits of this brilliant yet simple Facebook ad targeting process. Nevertheless, we will share with you the top four benefits of it. So here we go!!

  • Extend your targeted audience like astonishingly:

As we read above, this Facebook ad targeting phenomenon make you aware of the people who share similar features as that of your current followers. So, by following the above-declared steps. You can easily extend your targeted followers in a couple of few minutes. In other words, you can also detect how much your lookalike audience share aspects as that of your source audience.

  • Increase leads for your business:

Facebook Lookalike Audiences

Sales lead play the biggest role when it comes to foster business revenue. Right!! As we just read above that how lookalike audiences stretched the reach of our business by targeting people having same interests. That will directly increase the coverage of ads online and therefore the important leads. Conversation rates also hiked by this because your targeted audiences are more likely to end up buying the brand of your company. So, the risk factor somehow goes down.

  • Observe the performance of your business ads:

With lookalike Facebook ad targeting process, you can swiftly as well as easily track the performance of your ads online. You can also look after the reaction of your targeted and lookalike audience when it comes to Facebook ads. Queries like how they are responding to your ads or whether they are liking it or not, and much more stuff always remain evident in front of you. This allows you to nip any coming hazard to your marketing strategies in the bud earlier and make you able to fix it before it starts causing any trouble with your business.

  • Hike the Return-of-investment of your ads:

When your Facebook ads acknowledged well by your targeted audience, then it is clearly logical that it gets liked by your lookalike audience also. All this is providing sign to Facebook that your business ads are relevant to your audience and increase the conversion rate. Facebook will then offer you a better relevance score, which will decrease the price of your ads. A good conversion rate with reduced ad pricing is a key to get better ROI.

These are the top four advantages vis-a-vis potent reasons to make use of Facebook lookalike audience as an important part of your Facebook advertising campaigns.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

What Are Facebook Canvas Ads And Their Specifications?

Facebook Canvas Ads
Facebook is the biggest social media platform on the face of the earth according to the current scenario. As per the recent statistics, it incorporates over 2.32 billion monthly active users. That’s a really big number!!

Marketers understand the reaching power of Facebook and therefore continuously leveraging it to foster their business growth. That’s somehow become tough these days because of the crowd of businesses present on the social media hub, nowadays. Every business giving their best foot forward in order to achieve something big and exceptional from others.

Facebook ads are one of the most trending aspects of getting used by advertisers these days. There are numerous Facebook ad formats accessible on the web at today’s time. However, the most popular one of them is Canvas ads. This ad format is getting followed by marketers humongous. People who don’t know about canvas ads must get popped-up with a question “what are they”? So, continue to read to explore deeply about canvas ads.

In which ways Canvas Ads are different from other type of Facebook ads?

Canvas is an excellently designed ad format which liberates advertisers to offer exceptional ad experience to people on mobile. The most special trait of this type of ad is that it covered complete screen not partial like other types of ads. Also, contrary to carousel ads, canvas display one slide at once not simultaneously all slides. It usually consists of high-quality videos with professionally captured images and well-written content or text. The combination of all these elements makes perfect Facebook canvas ads that can really captivate people to take instant action like buying in case of E-commerce business ads.

What is the general specification of Canvas Ads?

These are some basic general specifications of canvas ads that can be altered according to the requirement of different brands and services. Below are the main preset canvas and design elements that should get considered before their creation.


The accessible picture measure is of about 150px high and 400px wide, most extreme is 1080 px wide (rather up to 5400 px of width) or else you use the Tilt to dish elective) close 1920px high. Pictures may contain near 20% text as a segment of the image.


Typically, 500 words are a minimum requirement in each content portion, which is also not always necessary to write that much, so it's apparently great to keep it short and shrewd.


Video details are proposed least of 720p, with 1.78:1 proportion (which is 1334px high by 750px wide) for having a full screen experience on smartphones. It will be an altogether different and extraordinary view for people out there on the web. Documents types which only possibly get accepted are .mov and .mp4.

Here it is!! These are some of the most important information one should know for making the best Facebook canvas ads.

Making use of canvas ads is a great way of targeting mobile freaks in an exceptionally brilliant way. I hope after going through the above article, you become able to create the best canvas ads for your business.

Friday, May 10, 2019

7 Most Reliable Ways To Grow Your Audience On Instagram


Instagram can really be a great marketing channel for your business or brand and can provide you with a golden opportunity to develop or build a trustworthy and loyal customer for your business. And it can also be a great platform to showcase your talent and become famous. In fact, more than millions of people use Instagram every day for posting photos, videos and connecting with other people.

And so getting a large number of followers on any social networking site has become like a competition for all. Each and every person wants to get a large number of followers and wants to become famous on Instagram. And so for that many even try different methods and ways to increase their followers. But if you want other people to follow you, then you will have to follow them first. You can even use the Instagram Mass Follow Tool as it will help you to follow the right people on Instagram.

Anyways in this article, we are going to discuss, some of the right ways to use Instagram in order to increase engagement and to get a large number of real and active followers.

  • Use the right hashtags

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Instagram Mass Follow Tool

Your main on Instagram is to gain a large number of followings right! Well, for that you will have to increase your engagement with other people. Posting high-quality photos and videos will full-fill your first requirement but, if you want to begin with your engagement on Instagram, then you will have to use the most popular and trendy hashtags on your Instagram posts.

Using the correct hashtags on your Instagram posts will make it easier for other people to find your photos. So, try to use the most trendy and popular hashtags. Given below are some of the hashtags which you must look for:

  1. Brand keyword hashtags.
  2. Product category keyword hashtags.
  3. Location-specific keyword hashtags.

So, these all were some of the types of hashtags which you must use for a better engagement level on Instagram. You can even use hashtags in your Instagram stories as well because nowadays, most of people prefer watching stories more on Instagram.

  • Use the right filters for your photos on Instagram

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Well, hashtags are not enough for attracting a large number of audience towards your account. You will also have to use different filters on your photo to make it look more attractive and engaging. Here are the most popular and used filters on Instagram:

  1. Normal (No Filter)
  2. Ludwig
  3. Gingham
  4. Valencia
  5. Lo-fi
  6. Juno
  7. Lark
  8. X-Pro II
  9. Clarendon
  10. Amaro

  • Post at the right time

On Instagram time matters a lot. So, if you are posting photos and videos on Instagram, then make sure to post at the time when most of your followers are online. Look for when your followers are online and then post any photo or video.

  • Use geotags on Instagram

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After hashtags, the best way to increase your engagement level on Instagram is to use geotags. Yes, you heard it right! You can make your Instagram stories and posts noticeable by adding/tagging your location. Wherever you have taken your photo/video, either in a city or in any type of hotel or venue, just add the location while posting it on Instagram.

Locations have their own importance, just like hashtags which you can contribute to when you use them in your post or in your story. Like we tag location in our post, we can even add location stickers in our stories as well.

  • Organize your stories as your highlights


Whenever a person visits your Instagram profile, you only have a little bit of time to convince them to follow you. And the best way to make people follow you is by using the highlights feature to set all your Instagram stories in an organized way which can help people to know what your account is all about. And as stories can get removed after 24 hours, highlights will remain there as long as you personally remove them.

  • Jump into trends

Well, Instagram is all about creating and posting something trending to increase your visibility and grab the user’s attention. So, have a look at the ongoing trend, and then plan your strategy accordingly. You can even look for what the different popular influencers are doing, go with the trend they are going on and then you are all set to gain a number of followers on Instagram.

  • Be consistent with your Instagram posts

Most of the people on Instagram might un-follow you, or won’t follow you if you will post the same type of photos or videos repeatedly. Just keep on thing in your mind, people will only follow you on Instagram when you will post something creative and attractive. So, try to maintain your Instagram feed with high-quality and fresh images and videos.

In this article, we have discussed the most effective ways which you can use to boost your engagement level on Instagram and to gain a large number of followers as well. So, read the whole article carefully to get updated.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Facebook Target Audience: How To Use Facebook Custom Audience For Effective Targeting

In today’s article, we will take up one of the basic objectives that businesses can’t skip while begin with setting up their ad campaign on Facebook that is “audience targeting”. Though there are various means, we are here to put light on targeting through custom audiences. So, let’s get started!

What is the Facebook custom audience?

A Facebook custom audience is presumably considered as your invaluable Facebook target audience because it provides you with the advantages of retargeting those people who had interacted with your content or visited your website ever in the past. There are several ways to create custom audience, but we will put light on some of the leading among them, in brief.

  • Using customer files for creation of custom audience

This first section of the Facebook custom audience has been established with the help of files that belongs to your existing customers, data of email accounts, contact number of app information. With a custom file audience, businesses can easily target audience who is subscribed to your newsletters or using your apps. You first need to create your own custom audience on Facebook and then you can proceed further.

  • Creating a custom audience through website traffic

Custom audience when created through website traffic, it becomes even easier to form rebranding campaign for those people whose engagement have been noticed over your website. This alternative will surely boost your productivity as your ads appear to them who already have an interest in the information given on your website. Before you create an audience predicated on website traffic, make sure to install “Facebook Pixel” first.

  • Custom audience built with app activity

Most of the businesses nowadays have their iOS or Android app for users. These apps can be a great way of targeting an audience on Facebook. In order to continue with targeting through app activity, it’s mandatory to get your account get registered. After that, you need to pick out those people who remain often use your app and holds on a particular action. For instance, you can choose a purchase event and mention “In the last three months” it will target all of them who have purchased your product in the last three months.

  • Custom audience creation through engagement

Facebook Target Audience

You might be aware of the perk of targeting based on engagement that allows businesses to target people who have engaged with their content, liked their pages as well as dropped a comment. Furthermore, most of the users targeted when they:-

  1. Tap on “call-to-action button”
  2. Interacted to your posts.
  3. Viewed your ads.
  4. Send a reply to your posts.
  5. Saved or downloaded your posts.

Whether businesses admit or not, Facebook Custom Audience gives them the opportunity of reaching their targeted audience without facing much hassle and is also a tremendous way of associating audience to whom you exactly want to be a part of your ad campaign on Facebook.