Tuesday, May 14, 2019

What Are Facebook Canvas Ads And Their Specifications?

Facebook Canvas Ads
Facebook is the biggest social media platform on the face of the earth according to the current scenario. As per the recent statistics, it incorporates over 2.32 billion monthly active users. That’s a really big number!!

Marketers understand the reaching power of Facebook and therefore continuously leveraging it to foster their business growth. That’s somehow become tough these days because of the crowd of businesses present on the social media hub, nowadays. Every business giving their best foot forward in order to achieve something big and exceptional from others.

Facebook ads are one of the most trending aspects of getting used by advertisers these days. There are numerous Facebook ad formats accessible on the web at today’s time. However, the most popular one of them is Canvas ads. This ad format is getting followed by marketers humongous. People who don’t know about canvas ads must get popped-up with a question “what are they”? So, continue to read to explore deeply about canvas ads.

In which ways Canvas Ads are different from other type of Facebook ads?

Canvas is an excellently designed ad format which liberates advertisers to offer exceptional ad experience to people on mobile. The most special trait of this type of ad is that it covered complete screen not partial like other types of ads. Also, contrary to carousel ads, canvas display one slide at once not simultaneously all slides. It usually consists of high-quality videos with professionally captured images and well-written content or text. The combination of all these elements makes perfect Facebook canvas ads that can really captivate people to take instant action like buying in case of E-commerce business ads.

What is the general specification of Canvas Ads?

These are some basic general specifications of canvas ads that can be altered according to the requirement of different brands and services. Below are the main preset canvas and design elements that should get considered before their creation.


The accessible picture measure is of about 150px high and 400px wide, most extreme is 1080 px wide (rather up to 5400 px of width) or else you use the Tilt to dish elective) close 1920px high. Pictures may contain near 20% text as a segment of the image.


Typically, 500 words are a minimum requirement in each content portion, which is also not always necessary to write that much, so it's apparently great to keep it short and shrewd.


Video details are proposed least of 720p, with 1.78:1 proportion (which is 1334px high by 750px wide) for having a full screen experience on smartphones. It will be an altogether different and extraordinary view for people out there on the web. Documents types which only possibly get accepted are .mov and .mp4.

Here it is!! These are some of the most important information one should know for making the best Facebook canvas ads.

Making use of canvas ads is a great way of targeting mobile freaks in an exceptionally brilliant way. I hope after going through the above article, you become able to create the best canvas ads for your business.